If the use of Tetrahymena cultures obtained from the Stock Center results in a scientific publication, please cite using the Research Resource Identifier (RRID) number of the strain(s) in the following manner: Tetrahymena borealis (TSC_SD01680, 19408-4 Tetrahymena Stock Center) or CU428.2 (TSC_SD00178, Tetrahymena Stock Center). This is our most important way of demonstrating the value of the materials at the Center.
You may search the database by using either a full-text search or a field-based search. The full text search will look for any of the exact whole words you enter (no wild cards) and return the results ranked on relevance. The field-based search allows you to set Boolean parameters for combinations of fields.
Case doesn't matter in the full-text search, but the genotype/phenotype field searches are case-sensitive.