Stock ID | SD03354 |
Strain Name | CRE556 |
AKA | |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | (II) |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | |
Gene of Interest | |
Origin | Kazifumi Mochizuki |
Publications | Busch CJ, Vogt A, Mochizuki K. 2010. Establishment of a Cre/loxP recombination system for N-terminal epitope tagging of genes in tetrahymena. BMC Microbiol 10:191. |
Comments | B2086 transformed with pMNMM3-HA-cre1. Neo5 selection cassette. |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD03354 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |