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We are now shipping live cells, plasmids, genomic DNA, and media packets, although shipping may take somewhat longer than normal. Contact us with any questions.

Stock IDSD02187
Strain NameSNF2-2ha-Cu428
SpeciesT. thermophila
Genetic Description(SNF2/snf2[5’neo3,HAHAn]; VII)
MAC Knockins/outsTwo HA tags after ATG of SNF2 coding
MIC Knockins/outs
Gene of InterestSNF2 (TTHERM_00388250)
OriginXingyin Liu
Comments2ha-tag was put in next to ATG of snf2. snf2 2ha-neo3 construct (4.8kb) was shot into CU428. CU428 WT mac of snf2 were replaced by snf- 2ha partly. Localized in mic of conjugation

From the Gorovsky lab, University of Rochester.
Research Resource IdentifierTSC_SD02187
Requires MTA?No
Academic cost $45