Stock ID | SD02140 |
Strain Name | gDRH1-KO4 A5-5B |
AKA | |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | drh1[∆?::neo4]/drh1[∆?::neo4] |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | Neo4 into 5’ end of coding of DRH1 |
Gene of Interest | DRH1 (TTHERM_00190830) |
Origin | Jody Bowen |
Publications | |
Comments | Neo4 KO cassette in DRH1 locus, homozygous KO in mic, mac assorted to pm-s. Two cell lines in row. Mate with D3, H7, and C10 cell lines. Homozygous heterokaryon. Gene is expressed at low level in starve and log, peak expression at 4 hr of conjugation. Somatic KO is complete, when mated they arrest after Meiosis II. Homozygous homokaryon KOs do not grow well. From the Gorovsky lab, University of Rochester. This strain has been cataloged by the Stock Center but not thawed. |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD02140 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |