Stock ID | SD01635 |
Strain Name | SF106 |
AKA | |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | rmm7[C3]/rmm7[C3] (mp-s, pm-s, rrm7, III) |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | |
Gene of Interest | |
Origin | |
Publications | Kapler GM, Orias E, Blackburn EH. 1994. Tetrahymena thermophila mutants defective in the developmentally programmed maturation and maintenance of the rDNA minichromosome. Genetics 137(2):455-66. |
Comments | rmm = rDNA maturation or maintenance mutation, located in the rDNA Submitted by Eileen Hamilton, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD01635 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |