Stock ID | SD01534 |
Strain Name | SB1477 |
AKA | Fe-3 |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | gal1-1/gal1-1; Fe-3/Fe-3 (gal1-1; Fe-3; gal-r; Fe auxotroph, VI) |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | |
Gene of Interest | |
Origin | SB210 cells were exposed to nitrosoguanidine and crossed to CU329 cells. Self-fertilization (cytogamy) was induced. Self-fertilized progeny were selected for by exploiting the recessiveness of the 2-deoxygalactose-resistance mutation. The cloned progeny were then replicated to rich medium and defined medium at 38°C, and those that grew poorly or not at all in defined medium but well in complex medium, were then tested in defined medium + iron. |
Publications | |
Comments | Submitted by Eduardo Orias, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD01534 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |