Stock ID | SD01511 |
Strain Name | IA123 |
AKA | cdaC-2 VII |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | cdaC-2/cdaC-2 (cdaC-2; VII) |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | |
Gene of Interest | CDAC (cell division arrest C) Originally published as mo3b |
Origin | F3 following outcross to B1868 VI of an assortant derived from nitroso-guanidine mutagenesis of B1868 VI x VII in 1973. It was originally believed to require homozygosity of alleles at two genes for full expression, but a second set of crosses gave results consistent with homozygosity for a single recessive allele being sufficient. |
Publications | Genetics: Frankel J, Jenkins LM, Doerder FP, Nelsen EM. 1976. Mutations affecting cell division in tetrahymena pyriformis. I. selection and genetic analysis. Genetics 83(3):489-506. Phenotype: Frankel J, Nelsen EM, Jenkins LM. 1977. Mutations affecting cell division in tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1. II. phenotypes of single and double homozygotes. Dev Biol 58(2):255-75. |
Comments | Failure to complete cytokinesis accompanied by cell elongation (>36o C). Located on chromosome 5. Allelic to cdaC-1 (IA-119). Expresses 100% fission blockage at temperatures of 36o C. and higher. Submitted by Joseph Frankel, University of Iowa |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD01511 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |