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We are now shipping live cells, plasmids, genomic DNA, and media packets, although shipping may take somewhat longer than normal. Contact us with any questions.

Stock IDSD01300
Strain NameSB2353P
AKAMember of meiotic segregant panel 2B
SpeciesT. thermophila
Genetic DescriptionCHX1[C3]/CHX1[C3]; pmr1-1/pmr1-1; MAT2/MAT2 (CHX1[C3];pmr1-1; MAT2; cy-s, pm-r, ?)
MAC Knockins/outs
MIC Knockins/outs
Gene of Interest
OriginB x C3 F1 progeny were induced to undergo meiosis by crossing them to A*. Round I clones were crossed to A* and allowed to undergo two rounds of genomic exclusion making them whole genome homozygotes. Round II cultures derived from single pairs were crossed for two rounds to A* and true progeny were selected for by their resistance to paromomycin.
PublicationsLynch TJ, Brickner J, Nakano KJ, Orias E. 1995. Genetic map of randomly amplified DNA polymorphisms closely linked to the mating type locus of tetrahymena thermophila. Genetics 141(4):1315-25.

Brickner JH, Lynch TJ, Zeilinger D, Orias E. 1996. Identification, mapping and linkage analysis of randomly amplified DNA polymorphisms in tetrahymena thermophila. Genetics 143(2):811-21.
CommentsResistance to 6-methylpurine was not scored for these panel members.

Submitted by Eduardo Orias, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Resource IdentifierTSC_SD01300
Requires MTA?No
Academic cost $45