Stock ID | SD01232 |
Strain Name | IA398 |
AKA | doa2-1 IVa |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | doa2-1/doa2-1 (doa2-1; IV) |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | |
Gene of Interest | DOA2 (defective oral apparatus-2) |
Origin | Genomic exclusion progeny following an outcross to IA264 (a 2-Dgal heterokaryon) of a clone that resulted from nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of IA264 followed by cytogamy in 1989. |
Publications | Brief description in Review: Frankel J. 2008. What do genic mutations tell us about the structural patterning of a complex single-celled organism? Eukaryot Cell 7(10):1617-39. |
Comments | Oral apparatus diminishes in size and becomes progressively more disorganized, with frequent oral replacement,after shift to 39-40 degrees. Pleiotropic; cells become increasingly disorganized at high temperature (39 degrees). Submitted by Joseph Frankel, University of Iowa |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD01232 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |