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Stock IDSD00640
Strain NameIA366
AKAcdaD-1 VI
SpeciesT. thermophila
Genetic DescriptioncdaD-1/cdaD-1 (cdaD-1; cdaD, VI)
MAC Knockins/outs
MIC Knockins/outs
Gene of InterestCDAD (cell division arrest D) (Originally reported as mo6.)
OriginNewer (1976) inbred line ultimately derived from the same original assortant as IA365
Frankel J, Jenkins LM, Doerder FP, Nelsen EM. 1976. Mutations affecting cell division in tetrahymena pyriformis. I. selection and genetic analysis. Genetics 83(3):489-506.

Frankel J, Nelsen EM, Jenkins LM. 1977. Mutations affecting cell division in tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1. II. phenotypes of single and double homozygotes. Dev Biol 58(2):255-75.

Bruns PJ, Brussard TB, Merriam EV. 1983. Nullisomic tetrahymena. II. a set of nullisomics define the germinal chromosomes. Genetics 104(2):257-70.

This clone: None
CommentscdaD-1 causes temperature sensitive cell division arrest. Allelic with cdaD-2 (IA134). Located on chromosome 5. A detailed phenotypic analysis was carried out on a homozygous clone of a preceding sexual generation, which is now extinct.
Research Resource IdentifierTSC_SD00640
Requires MTA?No
Academic cost $45