Stock ID | SD00640 |
Strain Name | IA366 |
AKA | cdaD-1 VI |
Species | T. thermophila |
Genetic Description | cdaD-1/cdaD-1 (cdaD-1; cdaD, VI) |
MAC Knockins/outs | |
MIC Knockins/outs | |
Gene of Interest | CDAD (cell division arrest D) (Originally reported as mo6.) |
Origin | Newer (1976) inbred line ultimately derived from the same original assortant as IA365 |
Publications | Gene: Frankel J, Jenkins LM, Doerder FP, Nelsen EM. 1976. Mutations affecting cell division in tetrahymena pyriformis. I. selection and genetic analysis. Genetics 83(3):489-506. Frankel J, Nelsen EM, Jenkins LM. 1977. Mutations affecting cell division in tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1. II. phenotypes of single and double homozygotes. Dev Biol 58(2):255-75. Bruns PJ, Brussard TB, Merriam EV. 1983. Nullisomic tetrahymena. II. a set of nullisomics define the germinal chromosomes. Genetics 104(2):257-70. This clone: None |
Comments | cdaD-1 causes temperature sensitive cell division arrest. Allelic with cdaD-2 (IA134). Located on chromosome 5. A detailed phenotypic analysis was carried out on a homozygous clone of a preceding sexual generation, which is now extinct. |
Research Resource Identifier | TSC_SD00640 |
Requires MTA? | No |
Academic cost | $45 |