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Stock IDSD02057
Strain NameGTU5 #7A
SpeciesT. thermophila
Genetic Descriptiongtu1[∆::neo2]/ gtu1[∆::neo2] (gtu1[∆::neo2]; MTT1/mtt1[∆, (::GTU1,K192A, R193A)]; ?)
MAC Knockins/outsGTU1 with mutation K192A R193A into the MTT1 locus, partial replacement.
MIC Knockins/outsNeo2 into GTU1 locus
Gene of InterestGTU1 (TTHERM_00079520)
OriginYuhua Shang
PublicationsShang Y, Tsao CC, Gorovsky MA. 2005. Mutational analyses reveal a novel function of the nucleotide-binding domain of gamma-tubulin in the regulation of basal body biogenesis. J Cell Biol 171(6):1035-44.

Shang Y, Li B, Gorovsky MA. 2002. Tetrahymena thermophila contains a conventional gamma-tubulin that is differentially required for the maintenance of different microtubule-organizing centers. J Cell Biol 158(7):1195-206.
CommentspGTU5 rescue of GTUKO 5x6 progeny, having mutation at K192A R193A in GTU1-1 gene.In the MTT1 locus.

From the Gorovsky lab, University of Rochester. This strain has been cataloged by the Stock Center but not thawed.
Research Resource IdentifierTSC_SD02057
Requires MTA?No
Academic cost $45