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We are now shipping live cells, plasmids, genomic DNA, and media packets, although shipping may take somewhat longer than normal. Contact us with any questions.

Stock IDSD03278
Strain NameUCB107
SpeciesT. thermophila
Genetic Descriptioncen1-1[∆::NEO2] (cen1-1[∆::NEO2]::cen1-86; None., ?)
MAC Knockins/outscen1-1[∆::NEO2]::cen1-86
MIC Knockins/outscen1-1[∆::NEO2]
Gene of InterestCEN1 (TTHERM_00384910)
OriginRescuing macronuclear transformation during mating of UCB8 X UCB9 (cen1 KO heterokaryons).
PublicationsVonderfecht T, Stemm-Wolf AJ, Hendershott M, Giddings TH,Jr, Meehl JB, Winey M. 2011. The two domains of centrin have distinct basal body functions in tetrahymena. Mol Biol Cell 22(13):2221-34.
CommentsAlanine scanning allele rescue of cen1∆ - Cen1 D86A.

From the Winey Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Research Resource IdentifierTSC_SD03278
Requires MTA?No
Academic cost $45