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We are now shipping live cells, plasmids, genomic DNA, and media packets, although shipping may take somewhat longer than normal. Contact us with any questions.

Stock IDSD01577
Strain NameIA441
AKAhpo1-2 - bcd1-1 IVa
SpeciesT. thermophila
Genetic Descriptionhpo1-2/hpo1-2; bcd1-1/bcd1-1 (hpo1-2; bcd1-1; hpo1, bcd1, IV)
MAC Knockins/outs
MIC Knockins/outs
Gene of InterestHPO1 (hypoangular1), BCD1 (broadened cortical domains1)
OriginGenomic exclusion progeny following a cross between IA342 and IA418
PublicationsFrankel J, Jenkins LM, Nelsen EM, Stoltzman CA. 1993. Hypoangular: A gene potentially involved in specifying positional information in a ciliate, tetrahymena thermophila. Dev Biol 160(2):333-54.
Commentshpo1-2 strongly antagonizes the broadening of CVP domains brought about by bcd1-1; the resulting phenotype is a compromise between the broadening of the CVP domains brought about by bcd1 and the narrowing of these domains generated by hpo1

Submitted by Joseph Frankel, University of Iowa
Research Resource IdentifierTSC_SD01577
Requires MTA?No
Academic cost $45