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We are now shipping live cells, plasmids, genomic DNA, and media packets, although shipping may take somewhat longer than normal. Contact us with any questions.

Plasmid IDPID00029
Plasmid NamepMBR 8
Academic Cost$60
Base Pairs8
SourceKathleen Karrer, Marquette University, U.S.A.
PublicationsWuitschick JD, Gershan JA, Lochowicz AJ, Li S, Karrer KM. 2002. A novel family of mobile genetic elements is limited to the germline genome in tetrahymena thermophila. Nucleic Acids Res 30(11):2524-37.
Vector TypepUC18
E. coli selectionAmpicillin
Tetrahymena selectionNone
Selection cassette
Expression cassette
NotesLibrary construction: Tetrahymena thermophila strain CU399 micronuclear DNA partially digested with MboI and filled in with dGTP and dATP, ligated to pUC18 digested with SalI and filled in with dTTP and dCTP.

See Wuitschick et al., figure 1 for map of Tlr element family

Genbank Accession No. AF451865
Sequence Filenot available
Plasmid Map